Online “Authenticity”?

I really struggle with using the word “authentic” when describing content (especially for profit content) online. Learning about media literacy and content creation, it is so hard for me to grasp the concept of ‘authentic’ in the form of “manufactured” and  YouTuber’s. Like Donna stated in the Vialogues regarding the video, “YouTube: Manufacturing Authenticity,” she says, “‘Perceived authenticity’ = forgiveness for overt sales tactics and the emergence of ‘influencer culture.'” I believe Donna summarized it very well, because these YouTuber’s are providing their audience an “authentic” experience or product, they are “allowed”/earned to push their sales and products onto the viewer. Now, I won’t say that I am not a viewer of any YouTube channels because that would be a lie. But while watching these YouTuber’s I feel I am aware they are trying to sell me on the product they have to offer whether it be actual products or their channel. I think what’s difficult for me is that their ‘products’ are constantly being referenced to being “authentic” and I don’t feel that should be the word used to describe YouTuber’s and their channels.

Lindsay Ellis and another early YouTuber discussed in her video, “YouTube: Manufacturing Authenticity,” how YouTuber’s like themselves have a difference cadence on camera and off camera and how YouTuber’s personalities can be different when they aren’t on camera. This furthers my question of the use of the term authentic when describing these types of channels. I feel throughout the years I have been able to decipher between more “authentic” videos and videos for profit. Those who I’ve felt were the most authentic were videos by people I knew, had very limited followers, or had no other motivation to post their content other than to have their voice be heard. I am not saying YouTuber’s can’t be authentic, I am just thinking we should maybe think of another term instead of authentic because I feel we change the meaning when we say things like “perceived authenticity” and that just sounds like an oxymoron to me.

Image result for authenticity meme




One thought on “Online “Authenticity”?

  1. Great points. It’s as if there is a new style of upscaled production to replicate prior “DYI” youtubers and we don’t know how to think about that yet. The “person” becomes center, not just the product, even while that “person” is acting in ways that are performative — to appear authentic. We definitely don’t have ways to talk about this yet.


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